Choose among various topics to support your intellectual property management, patent leverage and business value creation.
Patents serve as valuable information sources in competitive and technology intelligence. Learn how to use patent indicators with rich data mined from patents for these purposes.
Patents are inherent to skewed value distributions. Learn how to discern more from less valuable patents and patent portfolios using objective patent metrics.
Patent departments work on tasks like benchmarking, portfolio management, M&A target identifications, and the realization of licensing opportunities. Learn how patent data may be used for decision-making.
Predictive analytics is employed by firms to forecast the technologies and firms that will prosper in markets. Learn how patent data delivers valuable insights into corporate foresight activities.
Dr. Sheena Zuberi
Cambridge Display Technology
“Competent, professional and nice trainers. Susann, Carsten, you did it great!”
PatentSight Academy Switzerland Participant
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